Client Journey: Monica 

Where were you before we worked together?

Before we worked together I was about 5 months sober. I was motivating myself to stay sober through podcasts, books, and TikTok. Sobriety had always been a thought in my mind. I knew it was my final destination, but it took a few tries before I could commit. When I initially started a 30-day challenge, I didn’t put any pressure on myself. I just set out every day to keep focused on my sobriety, walk 10k steps a day, cold plunge, or at least end my showers with 20 seconds of cold water. In doing this, my focus was on my overall well-being. It took the pressure off of just being sober. 

I was humbly shocked that I’d been able to stay sober for 5 months on my own. However, I knew I needed to get to the next step. I needed to work on why I was drinking so much, to begin with. When I came across Nicole on TilTok, she just resonated with me. I knew I needed her professional guidance. Also, being able to zoom with her from wherever in the country I was, was a huge plus! 


Where are you now? What were the most powerful breakthroughs?

We started working on past trauma through tapping, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), meditations, journaling, and just talking. As we worked on different ways to release stuck trauma, I felt a light come back into my life. My chest physically felt lighter and lighter. 

As of now, I’m 15 months sober. My focus has completely shifted from living daily sober life, to living the beautiful life of my dreams. I am more focused on creating a life that I’m proud to live and one that makes me excited, happy, and full of peace, learning new things, and loving fully. 

The most powerful breakthrough has been an awakening of my inner strength. I’m more equipped with tools to reach for within myself to handle anxiety, triggers, disappointments, etc. I also have a stronger connection to my spiritual guides. I can feel angels all around me and know they have been guiding me on this healthy journey to return to who I really am. They’ve guided me through the first few months of sobriety and they helped me find Nicole! 


What's been unexpected for you while working together? 

The most unexpected thing to happen for me was a closer connection to my guardian angels. My angels are always around me and I no longer feel as alone in my deep pain, or struggles. I feel their presence and love surrounding me at all times. This gives me tremendous strength and peace to keep moving forward. 

I feel strong right now in facing my days with clarity and excitement. I’m certainly on the right path.  I’m very proud of myself and how hard I’ve worked, I’ve restored confidence in myself.


What would you tell someone who is currently stuck where you used to be? 

Anyone out there who is struggling, I’d suggest to just trust your instincts and going for it. There’s nothing to lose in working on oneself. When we rid our lives of alcohol and learn to sit through the good/bad moments without numbing ourselves, we become so much more of our true selves. My heart breaks for the old me who was stuck with horrible drinking patterns. I’m forever grateful to be healthy and free from the alcohol trap. The straight jacket has come off and I’m completely free to live, laugh, dance, and show all my emotions without numbing myself.


What are the top 5 things you feel really great about since starting the coaching journey?

1. Clarity of my mind. I’m excited to learn new things each day and no longer dealing with hangovers, guilt, fatigue.

2. Physically challenging myself to be better at things I’ve always known I could do. I’m playing paddle tennis once a week with friends I’ve reconnected with since being sober. I’m playing golf and committed to breaking 90. I’m still walking 10k steps a day and enjoying evening walks with my husband. I cold plunge with 2 really good friends at least once a week and we call ourselves the ‘Ice Queens’! 

3. Spiritually, I’ve become closer to my guardian angels and grateful for their protection and guidance. 

4. I’ve created a daily, moment-by-moment discipline of putting my focus on gratitude and the many blessing I have. I’m training my mind to see what’s right in my life, it keeps me at peace and moving forward on this beautiful path. 

5. I’ve worked very hard to create boundaries from people who might trigger me. Knowing that is my choice, has brought me tremendous confidence in myself.

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