Client Journey: Don 

Where were you before we started working together?

In a vicious circle of alcohol abuse and immature behavior that was putting my career, relationship, and life in jeopardy.

My relationship with alcohol had gotten out of control and had become a huge distraction that stopped me from being the best person I am/wished to be. I am honestly not sure how I ended up in this position, but my drinking ramped way up, and I felt HUGE guilt and anxiety over the dumb things I said and did when I drank excessively. I constantly succumbed to the pressure to drink when with friends or at events and not being able to stop once starting. 

I tried AA, and it wasn’t a good fit. I’m not totally convinced that I was an alcoholic as I didn’t wake up and crave a drink or get the shakes or anything like that. It had just become such a dominant thread in my day-to-day that I was struggling with how to navigate the situations I found myself in. 

I was afraid of how the future might look if it continued, and I believed that if I could solve this, other elements would fall into place, and I would get back on the right track for success.


Where are you now? 

I am much more focused and mindful of my present state of being, my goals, and my long-term aspirations.  I am aware of situations, environments, or things that will trigger my desire to drink and now have simple tactics and tools to address these feelings and triggers when they occur. 

I have the tools to “surf the waves” of life.


What's the most tangible result you are proud to have created so far?

Proving to myself that it is possible to happily exist in my environment without alcohol and not feel deprived in any way.  

I am also equipped to handle high-trigger situations, and I feel a renewed sense of desire and ability to accomplish my goals and all while being a much better original version of myself.


What's been unexpected for you while working together? 

Digging into the dark night of the soul and unpacking underlying trauma, guilt, and shame that was aggressively holding me back.


What would you tell someone who is currently stuck where you used to be? 

There is hope. Don’t do it alone.  Find positive, smart leaders and mentors (like Nicole) that can help you elevate your thinking above and beyond your current status quo.  Avoid support groups that do not celebrate life and all the great things life has to offer. You deserve all the great things that come with being alive, and shifting your mindset with the help of a mentor will make all the difference in your success and outlook on life.  

When you stop drinking, you are not actually depriving yourself of anything. It is the opposite.  You are freeing yourself from the cultural lies we are surrounded by every minute of our day. A mentor you trust and feel safe with will help you re-gain the confidence needed to realize this. 


Were there any fear or hesitations when reaching out for support?

I was so glad to learn it was 1:1 coaching. I was dreading the thought of having to share my experiences with a group of strangers. I was unsure of the tapping process at first, but it grew on me, and I ended up really enjoying it. Glad to have Nicole’s guidance in the process.


What was your favorite part of working with Nicole?

Hands down, Nicole’s kind, authentic and non-judgmental approach to addressing very difficult to discuss topics.  She has been through a similar journey of her own and can empathize with others in an authentic way.  Her positivity is incredible.

Knowing that she was available if I needed her and knowing she understood my situation helped me feel safe, understood, and supported.  I did not have that before, and it was a huge missing piece to being successful. I needed to know someone had my back in this process, and her approach provided that, and I will be forever grateful for it.

What are the top 5 things you feel really great about since starting the coaching journey?
  1. Proof that stopping drinking is possible without feeling deprived.  I am 1000 times more confident around alcohol or in situations that would have triggered me before.  I can’t stop the waves, but now I can surf them.
  2. Learning to be much more dialed into my overall state of mind has been incredible.  The mindfulness, meditation, and breathing techniques are priceless.
  3. More deeply understanding the law of attraction and manifestation techniques.  Also, reading the various book recommendations from Nicole has been great to keep me focused and in the zone.
  4. The process of letting go of old guilt that was holding me back was pivotal in my healing journey.
  5. Forgiving myself.
If there would have been anything you would change, what would that be?

Starting sooner.



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