Client Journey: Dennis 

Where were you before we worked together?

I was drinking all the time, for about 25 years, at work and at home. Drinking wasn’t working for me, and I couldn’t control it. I frequently blacked out, made a fool of myself, and got angry when I drank too much. Once I started, depending on who I was with, it was difficult to stop.

Drinking was fueled by social anxiety. I am a people pleaser by nature, and I drank to build confidence to socialize. Drinking has damaged all my relationships since I was 20 years old, and I made drinking more important than anything else. I wasn’t there for my family when they needed me most, and I would do a lot of inappropriate things when I drank. 

I went to AA for three years but never got to the root cause of why I drank so much. I stopped drinking a couple of weeks before finding Nicole on TikTok and reached out for further assistance. I knew if I didn’t reach out for help, I would have fallen back into the patterns of drinking.


Where are you now? What were the most powerful breakthroughs?

I feel that the obsession with drinking has been lifted. It's difficult to explain, and initially, I wasn't sure if Nicole's process would work for me as it was something I had never experienced before, but I have to say it worked. 

During our time together, we identified the root cause of why I was drinking, which has been very impactful in shifting my relationship with alcohol. 

I feel comfortable in social settings without alcohol and have more confidence going to parties and not needing a drink to help me get through. I can go out, have a good time and not worry about drinking.

I've been able to have deeper connections in my relationships, especially with my girlfriend and her son, and I am more present. I've grown closer in almost all my relationships, especially with my brothers, and I have a better understanding of navigating relationships that felt challenging in the past. I am also showing up differently in my relationships at work and creating boundaries that have helped me show up in a way that supports my new habits. 

I am more active and prioritizing having a healthy routine and workout habits. I'm consistently spending time trying things that used to make me uncomfortable and put me out of my comfort zone. I am actively seeking things I enjoy and being more conscious of how I spend my time. Even when I go on vacation, I focus on making memories and doing something I enjoy, not just wasting time drinking.  


What's been unexpected for you while working together?

Something unexpected is how impactful meditation has been. It helps me relax and gives me the ability to find calmness in my mind and body. It’s something I find really enjoyable, and it takes me away from all the stress and pressure of life. I know how to handle situations that used to trigger me; I can respond instead of react. 

We also worked through many relationships in my past and experiences with tapping to help me find the root cause for why specific experiences and situations trigger me, so I am no longer affected by them, and they do not drive my behavior.

I'm surprised at how spiritual I've become. I'm using tools to help me connect with what I desire for myself and my future, and I have clarity on what type of life I want and how I want to show up in my job. I am excited in the not-so-distant future to move out of working in New York City and move to the country, somewhere like Tennessee, to have more space and create a way of life that I desire. 

What's something that surprised you?

An old friend asked me to speak about my journey at his AA meeting, which surprised me and helped me see how much my journey inspires others, even without my knowing.


What would you tell someone who is currently stuck where you used to be?

How the techniques Nicole uses are different, but to be open-minded. I believe that the work we did together lifted the obsession with drinking (helped me find the root cause of why I was drinking) and made many good changes in my life, and are tools I will continue to use.


What are the top 5 things you feel really great about since starting the coaching journey?
  • Less anxious
  • Have some tools to use when I feel anxious
  • Meditation; to relax, calm my mind and body and take away the stress and pressure from life. 
  • Not drinking anymore; the obsession with drinking has been lifted
  • Feeling more confident; especially socializing with others who are drinking 
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