Client Journey: JW



Where were you before we worked together?

I was literally in a pit of despair... from drinking. I felt utterly alone and that no one understood me, because everyone else was glorifying drinking and tried to convince me it wasn't "that bad"


Where are you now? What were the most powerful breakthroughs?

I have come so far, I am out of this universe! I believe the tapping and breathwork were key tools that allowed me to find my edge, and move past it. My practice continues to thrive, and I am allowing more and pushing less! I have found a peaceful landscape in which to go even deeper and tackle other issues that have caused me to stay stuck.

What's been unexpected for you while working together?

Learning that allowing can be abundant


What was your favorite part of working with Nicole?

My personal retreat in Tulum! Not only did we go to an amazing location, but we vibe in a way that is really awesome! I loved going to the Keys with you and Tulum was nearly perfect ;)


Please share a testimony about you experience working together 

Two years ago, I found myself at a crossroads. Struggling with alcohol, I hit a low point that became a wake-up call.

I remembered Nicole Prentice from a mastermind group we were both part of, and knew about her focus in coaching. In a moment of vulnerability, I reached out to her for help, despite feeling embarrassed about my situation. That first message, though I hastily deleted it out of embarrassment, marked the beginning of a life-changing journey.

The Coaching Experience:

In our one-on-one sessions, Nicole displayed an exceptional ability to guide me toward healing practices like breathwork and tapping, especially when I was grappling with tough issues or pain.

Her calm, welcoming presence, coupled with a remarkable down-to-earth nature, created a space where I felt safe and understood.

Nicole possesses a unique energy that resonated with me immediately – an important aspect as I am highly sensitive to the energy of others. Initially, I was somewhat resistant to the idea of tapping, but Nicole's intuition was spot on. It turned out to be exactly what I needed for my journey.


What are the top five results you have experienced since starting the coaching journey? 

1. Embracing Mindfulness: I've learned the invaluable lesson of slowing down and tuning into my intuition. This shift has brought a sense of calm and clarity to my daily life.

2. Transforming Habits: My relationship with alcohol has fundamentally changed. I've moved away from old patterns and towards healthier choices.

3. Navigating Relationships: Working through friendship challenges has been enlightening, helping me foster deeper and more meaningful connections.

4. Enhancing Professional Skills: I've gained practical training in breathwork and tapping, which I now confidently use to benefit my own clients.

5. Personal Growth and Peace: Inspiration for client retreats emerged, and I've found peace in being single and in stressful situations. The mantra "no need to hurry" has become a guiding principle in my life.

My journey with Nicole has been nothing short of transformative.

The personalized retreat in Tulum was a highlight, providing me with invaluable insights and experiences.

Although it's bittersweet to conclude this chapter, I recognize that it's time for me to 'leave the nest' and apply all that I've learned. My growth, both personally and professionally, has been profound, equipping me with skills and perspectives that I will carry forward in all aspects of my life.

Conclusion and Looking Ahead

Nicole Prentice is an extraordinary coach whose impact on my life has been immeasurable. To anyone considering her coaching, know that you're in for a life-altering experience. As for me, I am excited about the future, particularly the prospect of co-facilitating a breathwork and wellness retreat with her.

I can’t think of a better way to continue applying the lessons learned and to collaborate with someone who has been so instrumental in my journey.

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